
I am a Staff Engineer at Samsung Semiconductor (Bangalore, India), where I work in the Advanced R&D team, Memory Solutions. I’m also affiliated to Samsung’s Global Open eco-System Team (GOST). I currently work on data grouping problems and data placement technologies involving SSDs, specifically Flexible Data Placement (FDP) and its integration to various application stacks (ex. CacheLib).

In the past, I have worked on disaggregated storage systems and distributed systems, specifically researching the topics of data replication, state machine replication (consensus algorithms - raft), flexible node scaling and failure recovery, etc. I have also worked on workload analysis, specifically focusing on using machine learning to perform workload characterisation.

Prior to joining Samsung full time in 2020, I completed my Masters in Mathematics and Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from BITS Pilani, Goa. During my time there I worked on the research areas of Mathematical Modelling and Disease Dynamics (stability analysis) under the guidance of Prof. Amit Setia

I enjoy teaching and I strongly believe in free access to information. I put up Mathematics videos on my Youtube Channel based on the knowledge I’ve accrued over the years. In the coming years, I hope to spend more time on teaching Mathematics and Computer Science!
In my free time I like to play chess, table tennis, watch football, read (mostly fiction) and indulge in art and writing as well. I also enjoy taking long walks and listening to music.

Research Interests

My research interests broadly lie in storage systems, distributed systems, workload characterization and data grouping. I particularly enjoy working with high performance systems at scale that optimize how SSDs are used. Of late, I’ve also been interested with how mathematical modelling can play a vital role in analyzing storage systems and also how machine learning can be used to solve systems engineering problems like data placement, data grouping, etc.